Media Services
Badminton World Championships Basel: DSNG provision and on the ground support (TV Asahi)
Two-part infotainment production on Switzerland [Part 1; Part 2] (Fuji Television)
Special issue of HR magazine 'Works': "Female leadership development" (Recruit Works Institute)
Infotainment productions on "Munich" and "Vienna" (Kansai Television)
Political documentary with shootings in Switzerland, Holland, Austria (NHK)
Four-part infotainment production on country profile of Switzerland (Yomiuri Television)
Infotainment production on 'Swiss Mobility' (NHK)
- Live broadcast from a Zurich-based Junior High for a Japanese Children's TV show (MBS)
Sports documentary in Switzerland (NHK)
Documentary on a Japanese resident of Switzerland (Yomiuri Television)
German subtitles of Japanese documentaries and interview footage
Transcript of Japanese video material for TV production (Arte)
TV news production in Switzerland (TBS)
News-writing (Kyodo News, Yomiuri Shimbun)
Research and Coordination for US productions (Fuji Television)
Translation, interpretation, and local research in Austria (Asahi Shimbun, TBS)